30 בJuly 2018
26 בJuly 2018


A data mining system that picks your brain




Big Data

why taga-80

Complex Systems



Elminda’s BNA™ (Brain Network Analytics) technology is integrating machine-learning, advanced algorithms, and large-population databases to understand how the brain’s neural networks are activated and inform about brain functioning.

The patient is wearing a EEG electrodes array which monitors the brain activity, while performing a cognitive tests on a desktop application. The data is then compared with the data collected from a large audience of healthy patients, to gain insights on multiple cognitive and behavioral functions such as:
• Information processing disorders
• Learning disabilities
• Sensory processing disorders
• Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
• Motor disorder
• Cerebral concussion
• And more..

Taga UX’s main challenge was to visualize the extremely complex and large amount of information generated by the system, and to make it accessible for the patient as well as for different types of physicians – mainly psychiatrists and neurologists.

The brain’s information was presented on screen in two dimensions simultaneously:
1. A virtual 3D brain, which can be rotated and manipulated.
2. A time scale – allowing to see the brain’s activities during the test.

In addition, Taga UX has built special forms, which visualize the EEG activity over time in a way similar to what physicians are familiar with today.

Both methods allowed the doctors to analyze the brain activity, identify activity patterns in specific areas in the brain that require attention and compare the data to other patients (healthy and non-healthy) around the world